Power to Heat
Power to Heat Initial situation In Germany adjustment between power production and consumption currently causes imbalance in the power grid frequency. As a result there is an extended need of supplemental reserve energy. Power generating systems and consuming systems which are able to react flexible on this demand have a huge additional revenue potential that is used by more and more peripheral systems already or is about to be used at short notice. Flexible systems will counteract the particular grid situation by changing their power…
Steam Superheaters
Steam superheater type series PVN The compact steam superheaters of type series PVN reach high steam temperatures even at low process pressure. Due to the compact design and control concept, they are characterised by short response times, high control precision, and high availability (existing redundancies). In many cases, our steam superheaters are designed as a “stand-alone” system and provided completely assembled with all necessary safety devices and controls. The customer must provide only the process connection and the electrical connection. Area of application Autonomous, continuous…
Process Heaters
Process heater type series SDRC/DRC Planned and manufactured according to customer specification, type series SDRC/DRC is extreme versatile. This type series was developed especially for the requirements of our customers from the chemical, petrochemical, and refinery industries, that is, for operating companies for which/in which explosion protection plays a central role. Their essential performance feature is robustness, which is reflected in the selection of the explosion protection concept. The available range of materials of parts that come into contact with media extends from unalloyed steels…
Hot water boiler
Hot water boiler type series HWE The compact hot water boiler of type series HWE were designed to heat large water volumes in a constant controlled flow. The hot water boiler are suited as consumers for mains stabilisation, as autonomous calorifiers without local emission sources, and as a means to secure the district heating supply. Your advantage: The hot water boiler can be directly integrated into the district heating mains. The area of application comprises all control range products: Secondary control range (SRL), minute reserve…